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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Day to Honor Fathers and Soliders...

Bill McNeill on the Big Dog Coyote in Hill Country.

We got started at the crack of dawn. To get down the road before the heat comes up is the thinking. We met up in town with some of my Dad's friends.

Darrel blessed our bikes, and James smudged the bikes with sage in a traditional Native American ceremony to keep us safe. What a great way to start the day…

Darrel blessing bikes. James smudging.

Ever since I reconnected with Bill (my Dad), I wanted to get a motorcycle and ride with him here in Texas – and today was the day!

We tore across the hill country through towns like Camp Wood, Laekey, and Vanderpool – awesome riding through this country. We sped down these roads, and folks would pull over to let us pass. In one county the Sheriff even pulled over to waved us through. We blew past him faster than the legal speed limit. We smiled and he waved back.

A sheriff is an elected official, so it just goes to show that the folks in this part of the Country are the kind of people that you just might want to have as neighbors.

Ahhh,..Good times!

I will remember today forever. It touched my heart deeply to ride with my Dad in my birthplace. It was a dream come true, and one of the highlights in my journey. He heads back to Midland now, and I head northeast. I will miss him. Time to ride…

Ode to Dads and their Brothers...

Bill McNeill is a life-long Texan and Viet Nam Vet. When the fighting started he opted to join rather than be drafted. He chose the Navy to serve his country. (I probably would do the same, seeing how I'm a sailor too.) That should have been a safe place to spend his time through his commitment and it was for most. However for him, after basic training, he discovered that his tour of duty would not be spent on a ship or even on a river patrol boat. Nope. He would be on a PBR boat a small fiberglass jet boat that patrols up the canal system of the Mekong Delta. For those of you who are familiar, this ain't no picnic. I'm lucky he made it home alive. If he hadn't -- like so many of his fallen brothers -- I would not be here. My Father is very active here in Texas. He, with his fellow vets, help organize and speak at events. He dedicates a lot of time making the Viet Nam Memorial a reality in Midland. He and his fellow vets have done a lot for the Country, and they continue to give of themselves everyday – keeping the American spirit alive!

As I ride out today, my heart is filled with love for my Texas family. I am so happy that I got to see everyone. Thank you. Liz, Paul, and Larry (my Dad’s beautiful wife and her two sons: my new brothers). And thank you, Aunt Martha and Uncle Buddy. Great to see y'all! Even got to see my Grandparents in Beorne, Helen and Jim. Grandma even helped me get my 5000-mile service done on the bike. What a sweetie! A shout goes to my sister Aislinn and my cousin Cassie in Austin. Great seeing you two too! My brother Bret couldn't make it, but we'll catch up one of these days.... Thank You, Texas!!!

Sponsored by Lake Weir Living. The 2010 Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge Rider Friction Zone Warrior, Brody McNeill is sponsored by Lake Weir Living/Live Where You Ride. For more information visit, or call 352-304-0027.